
发表: 2023年6月2日
作者: 自然经理皮特·琼斯,能源经理戴安娜·法拉利 & 玛丽安娜·海因里希,能源主管
类型: 洞察力

大自然是世界经济的支柱. 工业,从农业到能源,影响并依赖于自然世界. 全球人口和经济继续增长, 他们对自然和自然资源的需求也是如此. 未来的韧性和繁荣要求以可持续的方式管理这些需求.

野生动物的数量在过去的50年里减少了70%,1 这使多个生态系统面临崩溃的危险. 在造成生物多样性丧失的压力中,能源部门占10%,2 与石油 & 天然气和公用事业的影响尤其大, 主要是由于污染, 温室气体排放及其对物种及其栖息地的影响. 即使是可再生电力技术也会对自然产生意想不到的影响. 例如, the total amount of l和 和 sea area required to generate the world’s renewable energy requirements is circa 1 million km2面积几乎相当于法国的两倍.2 Any development close to this figure will result in the loss of natural habitats 和 undermine nature’s resilience to climate change effects. 因此, we need a holistic framework as part of the global energy transition to address these impacts 和, 同时, 认识到恢复自然的机会.

好消息是,在2022年12月, 《正规博彩十大网站》通过, providing the ambitious global aim of halting 和 reversing biodiversity loss by 2030. While delivering the targets set out in the Global Biodiversity Framework will be a shared task between governments, 企业, 金融机构和公民社会, 我们需要更多的投资, 特别是来自私营部门, 加大力度. 这个洞察部分 describes what 企业 can do now to take action as required by the Global Biodiversity Framework. 

在WBCSD, we are helping companies navigate 和 manage their nature-positive journeys by providing guidance for consistent 和 credible business actions, 包括特定的价值链. 我们的 积极自然的路线图 are mapping the key nature impacts 和 dependencies 和 are identifying priority actions across three high-impact global value chains: l和-based (食物 & 农业森林), 建筑环境,以及能源. This is aligned with broader efforts to map sector transitions to nature-positive in collaboration with 商业为自然世界经济论坛.

我们的团队将在 路透全球能源转型 于6月7日和8日在纽约举行. 了解更多正规博彩十大网站将在本博客的末尾介绍的内容!


The 能源系统的自然积极路线图 will provide tools 和 guidance for companies to implement nature-positive transition plans using the globally agreed high-level actions for nature: ACT-D, i.e.评估、提交、转换和披露. 除了, it will support companies in setting science-based targets for nature (in line with the Science Based Target Network (SBTN)) 和 applying the Taskforce for 自然-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) framework to nature disclosures.


  • 能源系统将发挥关键作用,促进 全球自然目标:它对自然有广泛而重大的影响, 包括用水量, 空气污染和排放, 土地的摄入量, 建设和运营过程中的生境破碎和干扰. But it also has massive potential to drive nature-positive change within its value chain 和 beyond as an essential component of the supply chains of almost all public 和 private entities, 以及最终客户.
  • 考虑对自然的影响之间的权衡是关键, 气候与人:特别是能源系统, 到目前为止,气候影响一直是公司行动的重中之重, but the increasing momentum around nature offers an opportunity to rebalance 和 consider the overall implications for all three topics.
  • We need deep collaboration along the entire value chain to be able to implement impactful transformative actions at a global scale. 为了实现这种合作, 关键绩效指标需要透明度, 基线, disclosure 和 targets so that these can be embedded into each step of the value chain. 为此我们需要新的指标, 开发和测试这些新指标需要时间, as will building partnerships within the value chain that catalyze nature-positive innovation.


除了路线图开发之外, 有六间水务署成员公司参与了我们的三期发展能源系统试验, testing its draft version 和 providing feedback to the TNFD as well as on the 自然的积极 Roadmap.


  • The piloting companies already have policies 和 processes in place to manage 和 monitor impacts, 与自然相关的风险和机遇. 他们中的大多数人都专注于解决自己的影响.g.通过改变栖息地、用水或排放. Some pilot companies are already applying concepts such as “net-positive impact” or “net gain” to individual projects, 特别是在生物多样性方面.
  • 捕捉超越生物多样性的更广泛的自然积极议程, 试点公司目前正在进行现有承诺之间的差距分析, 实践和管理工具以及朝着自然积极的方向努力所需要的东西. Such analysis is necessary to integrate nature-positive aligned approaches more explicitly into strategic business planning 和 management processes, 以及确定实施它们所需的任何能力/技能.
  • New for many companies is the need for a deeper focus on nature impacts 和 dependencies arising in upstream activities 和, 对一些公司来说, 在他们的产品销往下游. 在试点期间探索的一种可能的方法是进行初步测试, qualitative assessment to prioritize those business units for a more detailed assessment.


The overall work on the Roadmap for the 能源 System will continue through 2023 和 most of 2024, 发布产品供企业使用,首批产品将于2023年第三季度发布.  此外,本署亦正成立“新颖性发展计划编制小组”,并筹办“新颖性发展计划编制论坛”. These will help companies to get ready to set science-based targets for nature 和 TNFD-aligned disclosures.  

Join us at the 路透全球能源转型 Conference for a deep dive into energy 和 biodiversity

我们的团队将在 路透社全球能源转型2023. 作为路透社的旗舰活动之一, the conference will gather 750+ executives in New York on 7-8 June to shape 和 deliver the energy systems of the future. 在我们的工作室, the attendees 和 us will share advice on how to accelerate nature-positive action via three focused break-out groups:

  • How to apply the 2022 Global Biodiversity Framework to your business – what targets 和 metrics are needed?
  • How to implement the TNFD to help your business – how to integrate biodiversity into enterprise strategy 和 risk management processes?
  • How to take 自然的积极 action on the ground – what actions are other companies already taking to reverse impacts 和 restore biodiversity?

The purpose of the workshop will be to provide attendees with ideas 和 examples of approaches already used, 或提出, 解决上述问题. Attendees will leave the workshop better equipped to drive nature action within their 企业.

玛丽安娜·海因里希(WBCSD主任, 能源途径), 皮特·琼斯(WBCSD经理), 自然和ERM候补)和Margaret O 'Gorman(主席), 野生动物栖息地委员会(Wildlife Habitat Council)将主持研讨会. 我们希望在那里见到你! 注册在这里 参加.

For more information on how to get involved in our energy 和 nature work, please contact: 皮特.jones@hzjly.net or heinrich@hzjly.net.


[1]世界自然基金会《正规博彩十大网站排名》 http://wwflpr.awsassets.panda.org/downloads/lpr_2022_full_report.pdf

[2] 绿色新政能源计划对电网稳定性的影响, 成本, 工作, 健康, 和143个国家的气候

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